Morning Routine

I am the kind of girl who thrives on routine… which is why these last couple weeks have been tough on me. It might not seem like it but moving into a new place can really get you out of whack. Everything changes. Especially when it’s involving 4 adults, 3 dogs and 2 cats; things can get pretty cray-cray up in here.

Thankfully, this week has been the first one to finally feel like things are getting back to normal again. Obviously, the routines I had at my other house will not be the same, but I’ve finally picked a gym that will work with my schedule (I had 3 gym memberships while I was deciding which would be the best fit for me).


However, there are some people who like spontaneity and having a different routine everyday. I am just not one of those people. As it is, on the weekends when I have no routine and things are a bit more spontaneous, my nutrition suffers. Goes to show I’m a routine person but who isn’t?

I’m gonna give you a little run down of my morning routine:

  • 4:30am: Wake up (Ok not really, but my alarm starts going off. I get out of bed around 4:50 after snoozing 20x.)

  • Take out the dogs & feed them

  • I make my lemon water and then drink my celery juice immediately after. (Oh, and I take my Digestive Enzyme before anything)

  • Eat my pre-Workout Meal (Usually a smoothie which is prepared from the night before)

  • 5:10am: Leave for the gym

  • 5:20am: Arrive at gym [**and get my workout on?!!**]

  • 6:45am: Leave gym and go home

  • 7:15am: Eat my Post-Workout meal while watching TV on the couch. (Meal is already prepared from the night before)

  • 7:20-7:50am: Take a cat nap (This part is imperative; if not I am useless the rest of the day)

  • 8:00am leave to train clients & have some cuban coffee!

    I prepare a lot of things beforehand so I don’t waste time in the mornings and can squeeze in my little nap. Some days I may take longer at the gym (depending on my workout) but for the most part this is usually how it goes. My body is so used to the nap (I’ve been doing it for years) that if I don’t do it, I am dragging all day! Caffeine or no caffeine!

    What do your mornings look like? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments below :)

