Posts tagged online coach
What Motivation is to Me and How I Deal With It!

Contrary to what everyone believes, motivation will not get you to the gym and it won’t keep you from eating an entire box of pizza. Instead, discipline will do that.

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Top 10 Must-Do List for Fall

Fall is the best time of the year. Seriously, I already had my first PSL of the season, which is rare for me. I usually like to wait until the end of September to have one. However, with the year we have all had, I believe we need some happiness. Guess what? Fall does that!

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My Secret to Staying Lean During Quarantine

2020 is a gonna be great they said! New Year, New me!

Well, it’s definitely a new everyone! If you would’ve told me that in March 2020 the whole world was going to be going through a pandemic and everyone was going to be locked up in their house, I probably would’ve thought you were crazy and then immediately had a Panic Attack. I probably would have imagined a million scenarios that we would be in and freaked out. But come to think of it, it hasn’t been all that bad.

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Why Women Need to lift Heavy

Women are taught to be fragile, dainty and inferior to men in strength, but when we are at the gym that doesn’t have to be the case! I love the look men give me when they see my using heavy a** weights to do my workout. It’s a hell of a shock. What’s even more shocking is that I actually know what I am doing with them. Honestly, I love being a girly girl and super bougie but when I step into that gym all of that disappears. It’s like the gym gives me some sort of power and wouldn’t you want to have that too?

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No Equipment Workout

As much as I enjoy lifting weights and going to the gym, there are times where I can’t fit it into my schedule. However, I still want to get in some sort of workout so I will do a quick one at home. For my goals, gaining muscle, I need to lift heavy and eat in a surplus. But in certain circumstances it is good to switch it up and get back to the basics

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Why I Design a Balanced Diet for My Clients V.S. a Strict Diet

have been there done that! I was in her shoes a couple years back. I have done Weight Watchers, Atkins, Bodybuilder strict diet, the cookie diet, the watermelon diet, etc. Want to know what I learned from this? Nothing, which is why you end up gaining all the weight back and then some. By doing these diets you are not learning how to eat.

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