Posts tagged working out
What Motivation is to Me and How I Deal With It!

Contrary to what everyone believes, motivation will not get you to the gym and it won’t keep you from eating an entire box of pizza. Instead, discipline will do that.

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Weekly Workouts
When is the best time to workout?

I get asked this question a lot, by friends, family, clients , etc. Basically everyone is intrigued by this question. I think it's partially because everyone is looking for an easy fix to losing weight and getting healthy. I mean if not there wouldn’t be an entire industry of supplements and diet pills promising to get you thin quick, Or maybe they just want to maximize their time at the gym since most don’t really like it but they go because they figure it's the only way they will lose weight.

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The Secret To Building Muscle: PART I

Unfortunately, results are not that quick. As a matter of fact it can be months or even years before you start seeing results, unless your a  newbie to this (but I'll get into that in another post).  However, if you start off with the right tools and knowledge you are setting yourself up for success. 

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