Workout Playlist

I’ve been obsessing over joggers lately. I just love how comfortable they are yet you can look so chic and stylish. I found this set at Carbon38 and I knew I had to have it. I’m all about dressing up and looking stylish but honestly, I’m usually in sweatpants and just want to be comfortable.

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Spring Clean your Workout Routine

I know that you may be really enjoying your workouts, you’re used to the schedule, and you’ve already got a routine going. Well that’s just the problem; it's routine! Once your body has adjusted to these motor pattern movements,you're not going to see the results you want. Another problem you may be having is that mentally, you’ve checked out. You’re just going through the movements and not really making any muscle/mind connections. That is why we have to Marie Kondo your workout and I’m here to help you with that!

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Ways to Prevent Injury

If you’ve been following me on Instagram then you will know that I injured my lower back about 4 weeks ago. Well much to my dismay, I am still not recovered and things don’t seem to be getting any better. Now, I’ve pulled my back a couple times in the past but I’ve usually recovered in about a week or two. This time around, I’ve going to the physical therapist and I seem to have a pinch in  my piriformis muscle. It just doesn’t seem to heal and I am starting to think there is more to this injury than I thought. Hopefully, by the time this post goes out I will know my answers and can share with you all.

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Why You Should take Progress Pictures on your Fitness Journey

So you’ve started a new diet and exercise program. You keep weighing yourself but there are no changes on the scale. However, everyone keeps telling you that you look amazing! Your face is thinner, your legs are leaner and your body is just smoking. You shrug your shoulders and say “thank you” or “thanks, I’m trying”. The truth is that you really don’t believe what people are telling you and keep feeling frustrated. You’re feeling so overwhelmed with frustration that you decided to stop at the golden arches on your way home from work and eat away your sorrows!

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How to do Rest Day Correct

Do you remember a couple years ago there was this craze on the internet called #nodaysoff ? Everybody joined in on the fun and if you did decide to take a day off then you were labeled  “lazy”. Well, I think that is the DUMBEST thing I have ever heard! Pardon my language, but it's true!

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Weekly Workouts
Healthy Kitchen Staples

Think of fitness as one of those old fashioned weight sales: if you do too much of one thing (workout like crazy but eat everything in sight) the scale will tip further to that side and vice versa. What some of us don’t realize is that in order to get the best results, you must really look at what you eat pre and post workout. I’ve got some really good recipe ideas for that here .

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Weekly Wokouts
10 Ways to Boost Energy

I wake up at 5am everyday to go workout. You would think that by 1-2pm I would be crashing. There are some days that I am a bit more tired than others, but for the most part I am pretty energized. My clients are always asking me how I do it and still have a smile on my face? Well I love coffee but I’ve said it here before, its for the taste because I drink decaf. I

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Do It For You: Motivation to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

t can be extremely hard to put ourselves first. It is even harder when it comes to working out and eating healthy since it really isn’t something that most of us enjoy. It is much easier to come up with an excuse to miss a workout, secretly eat cookies when no one is watching and lose total motivation once we step on the scale. However, there are things we can focus on to help us keep up with a healthy lifestyle.

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Weekly Workouts
Tips for staying Healthy on Vacation

Super stoked today because not only is it the weekend but I am leaving to Disney World with the fam!! woo-hoo! I couldn’t be more excited because I haven’t been in a minute. Plus, after the stress of the move I really need to disconnect and just have fun! Be a kid again, you know?!

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