Are You Using the Right Home Equipment?


My how times have changed. Sometimes, it's for the best. Not everything has to be a negative. For instance, I’ve been wanting to build a home gym but I’ve never gotten around to doing it. I always spend my money on other things like clothes, house decor, etc. However, now I’ve had no choice but to start one. I finally got a squat rack, barbell, different size weights, a Peloton, elliptical, and so much more. Granted, I wish I had a cable machine, hopefully that will be next.

But I don’t want you to think you need to go out and buy all of these things. Honestly, it really depends on your goals and what you want to achieve with your workouts. I want to gain muscle and in order to do that I need to lift heavy, eat more, and be consistent with my training. Even then, I really don’t need too much either. Some barbells and some dumbbells would’ve been just fine, but I do admit that I go above and beyond in almost everything I do haha.

Honestly, you really don’t even need to spend money on any type of cardio equipment. Pavement is free which you can run/walk on or you can get a jump rope for $5-$10. There are things like bands, dumbbells, sliders, and a foam roller that I would most definitely spend money on. These are super versatile and you can get the most bang for your buck.

I posted a video here with all the equipment I recommend if you’d like to check it out here.

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