How I Structure My Weekly Workouts

Every week I offer Weekly Workouts on my blog. You can find it here.

I began offering these workouts to help out those of you that want to train but have no idea where to start and how to format a program. Also, some of you may not want to hire a coach and that is completely ok. However, please know that these workouts are not individualized to the person and their needs, thats where my customized programs come into play.

The way I structure these workouts is excactly how I train; by muscle group. It is a muscle and strength program. I also offer some plyo and cardio movements in there to challenge your endurance. I first figure out the training split (which can change from week to week). The next step is rep ranges, I take into saccount the movement being performed even though there i sno magic rep number.

During the quarantine, I changed the workouts to be home friendly, however now that everything is opeining up, I changed it back to a gym version.

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