What Essential Oils are *essential* for Fall

Fall has officially begun (in my household at least haha!) Everywhere you turn I have some sort of scent resembling to Fall. However, there is something different this year, besides all the masks we are wearing, we are saying goodbye to harmful candles.

Yup, I used to run to Bath & Body Works and grab all their Fall candles. I would hear people tell me how toxic it was and I would roll my eyes. It smelled good so who cares, am I right? Wrong!!!

My life changed and my eyes opened as soon as I found Young Living. Their products are natural and non-toxic. Imagine how natural that it helped me with my bells palsy. Crazy right? After this, I began getting more and more into the products and realizing everything we use daily is horrible for us. Those Bath & Body Works candles, they are basically cancer in a bottle. Most candles are made of paraffin wax, which creates highly toxic benzene and toluene when burned (both are known carcinogens). In fact, the toxins released from paraffin candles are the same as those found in diesel fuel fumes. On top of that, many scented candles also have wicks that contain heavy metals like lead, and even a few hours of burning them can create levels of airborne heavy metals that are much higher than the acceptable limits. 

Have you ever wondered why everytime you speak to someone they have been affected by cancer or someone close to them has? It's basically everything we use daily that we don’t even realize can have such an affect.

But you don’t have to get bummed about it! Thankfully there are essential oils that you can use and smell even better than those candles. I have a whole bunch of scents to diffuse that won’t have you missing any Fall candle at all! You can get them here.

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