33 Things I've Learned in My 33 Years


After a month long of celebrations, today is finally my birthday. I was born 33 years ago and 33 is the year of Jesus, as I’ve been told all day today. So far my thirties have been good to me and I may have learned a thing or two while I’ve been here.

So… in honor of 33 years… I’m going to be so original (jokes) and share 32 things I’ve learned in my 33 years of living.

  1. Get up early. In high school, I almost didn’t graduate because of all the tardies I had (mind you I lived 5 min away). However, now I can’t seem to sleep past 8am but I do get a lot more done

  2. What comes around, goes around.

  3. Don’t close any doors. Always end things in a good way, whether it be a relationship or a job. You never know what will happen.

  4. Keep an open mind.

  5. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

  6. Botox is your friend.

  7. Listen to your parents.

  8. Don’t worry about what others think.

  9. Not everyone will like you and that’s ok.

  10. Age is only a number.

  11. Sunscreen and hats are your friends. I know that the sun glow is great but nobody likes wrinkles.

  12. It’s ok to say No.

  13. Be kind to your body.

  14. Be kind to others.

  15. Tell the ones you love how important they are.

  16. Write things down in your calendar, you will forget.

  17. Don’t be afraid to try new things.

  18. Celebrate your birthday all month long no matter how old your turning.

  19. Get a Goldendoodle… oh wait that one is for the hubby.

  20. Family doesn’t have to be blood related. Instead, it’s someone who is always there for you and cares for you.

  21. Money can bring out the worst in people.

  22. You’re never too young or old to meet your soul mate.

  23. You may end up marrying your high school sweetheart.

  24. Never make fun of someone because they are different.

  25. Give a stranger a compliment, you never know if they may need it.

  26. You can go back to school at 33.

  27. Dogs are better than humans.

  28. Have a destination wedding. You celebrate for an entire weekend instead of spending all this money on just ONE night.

  29. It’s ok to make mistakes. The important thing is you learn from them.

  30. Never go to bed angry.

  31. Do yourself a favor and watch Outlander.

  32. Maybe doing this list wasn’t the best idea.

  33. Thank God you’re 33 and not 34 because you can’t think of any more things.


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