How to Beat Boredom Eating- COVID 19 Edition


First, I would like to wish all of you loads of health and sanity during these crazy times! I also hope that you are staying home and keeping safe with all of your loved ones… fur babies included. I know that this will all pass soon and we will all come out stronger and better than before.

With that being said, I know a lot of us are at home bored out of our minds and with major cabin fever. I am the first culprit of being sucked into the world of boredom and resorting to it… food. It’s not easy I tell you. You’ve seen every Netflix series, Tiger King included, and nothing on TV seems to catch your attention anymore. You find yourself wandering aimlessly to the kitchen every 5 minutes.

Girl, I know exactly what your going through. I was going through the same exact thing the first week. I also had a major pity party for myself because of the Bells Palsy; pity and boredom are not a good mix. I let myself have two days and by the third day I pulled myself together and was not going to let boredom get the best of me. Instead, I totally shifted my mindset. This actually goes for anything in life. If you want to change something whether its health and fitness related, quit smoking, etc, the first thing you need to do is change your mindset.

During these times, one of the things that helped me change my mindset is to not look at it as ”you will get fat if you eat”. Instead I told myself that what I put in my body now matters more than ever. I need to have all the vitamins and minerals so my body can fight off this virus. That immediately made me want to grab a salad for lunch! Of course, I can bake some cookies and have some for dessert because flexible dieting but the truth is I want to be strong during this pandemic and one of the ways we can do that is with what we put in our bodies.

Here are 8 tips that helped me STOP boredom eating during this Quarantine:

  1. Change your mindset

  2. Distract yourself with something else. Learn a TikTok dance, FaceTime a friend, read a book

  3. Walk away from the kitchen

  4. Go take a shower

  5. Go for a walk

  6. Drink water

  7. Wait it out

  8. Munch on veggies

Stay Home, Stay Safe
