How to Get Started With Your Fitness Goals


You've decided to get in shape, but now what? Just as you had a plan when you were in college and what courses to take, etc. the same goes for everything in life…especially fitness.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Set your goals:

    • Decide your short & long term goals!

    • (I.E: LONG: lose 50lbs. SHORT: lose 1-2lbs a week.)

  2. Write them down:

    • Writing it down for people makes it easier to stick to!

  3. Make the goals attainable:

    • Un-realistic goals are a sure way to failure

    • If you’ve never worked out don’t have your goal be to squat 300lbs on the first day. You need to slowly progress to that!

  4. Find a Workout Buddy:

    • Someone to help keep you accountable. It is easier to go through a journey when you have someone right there next to you going through the same thing you are.

  5. Meal Prep:

    • When you are hungry and you already have the meals made, you are more likely to just grab them and eat. However, if you don’t then you start snacking and munching on things that will probably not help you reach your goals.

    • Another alternative is to get a meal prep company!

  6. Have Fun & Reward Yourself:

    • Do not reward yourself with food but what you CAN do is give yourself a spa day or buy yourself that dress you’ve been eyeing!

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