Fitness Myths Debunked


There are so many “fitness truths” out there that claim to be true but they aren’t. It's usually some person who tried something once and saw results so they are experts; or someone trying to make a profit from innocent people like yourselves. I want to help clear up this B.S. once and for all.

Some of these you may have heard about a million times and know it's not true but you still believe it? It's ok girl. It happens. But if you have facts, you will be able to understand better and STOP doing it.

Its time to debunk these myths:

1. Eating after 6pm makes you fat?

The hard truth: no! Yes, there are people who have digestive issues and they have trouble digesting food so if they eat right before going to bed they will feel sick. However, that and getting fat are 2 completely different things. Your body does not have an internal clock telling it that any food after 6 must be stored as fat.

You gain weight because you are in a caloric surplus: eating more calories than you burn. So it doesn’t matter if you eat all those calories at 6am or 6pm, you will gain.

2. Lifting Heavy turns you into the Hulk

I think we all know the answer to this one, but in the case that you don't, NO YOU WILL NOT!  I wish it were that easy. Unfortunately, I’ve been training for 8+ years now and I do not look anything like the hulk. In the beginning I wasn’t eating proper calories to gain muscle and doing too much cardio. Ladies, please don’t be scared to lift weights. That is when you will really see the changes to your body!

3. You can reduce fat in one area

I wish! I would want all my fat to go to my butt and I have a super flat stomach! Unfortunately, that's not the case. Unless you do lipo or coolsculpting, you can not spot reduce one area. It's impossible. When you lose weight, you're gonna lose everywhere. You may lose faster in some areas (for me it's my leg and the last thing to come off is my stomach). For others it can be different.

4. Stretch before a workout

This is a tricky one. You should warm-up before a workout and do mobility type movements. However, you want to leave the static stretching (holding a stretch for a couple secs for after). Think of your muscles as an elastic band. When you get an elastic band that has never been used it is very stiff and rigid. So when you try to stretch it, it snaps. Same with your muscles.

5. Best time to workout is in the morning and on an empty stomach

You will not burn more calories or lose weight faster because you work out in the morning and fasted. The best time to workout is whatever time fits in your schedule. See the way the body works is with calories in v.s calories out. So it doesn’t matter if you burn 200 calories at the start of your day or at the end, what matters is that you burn it!

Hope this helped debunk some myths out there. If you have any other myths that you would like for me to debunk once and for all, comment below.

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