How to Stay Healthy Over the Holidays


The holidays are an amazing time of the year but it can also be tricky to stay healthy. I completely understand and it's ok. Don’t be too hard on yourself and enjoy your time with family and friends. Don’t focus so much on the food and what you can and can’t have.  Life is short and you need to be able to enjoy every minute of it to its fullest.

Now with that being said, it also doesn’t mean go and stuff your face because Monika said to enjoy it. You’ll probably end up in the bathroom all night long and not enjoy it all. Instead, you want to use MODERATION. Enjoy your favorite foods but in moderation. Don’t eat the entire batch of cookies. Instead, have one and walk away from it. When serving your plate, make sure to add in some veggies and serve yourself little portions of your fave items.

I always tell my clients to save their macros for the party. Since you know in advance that you’ll be enjoying more foods at night during the party, try to eat lean protein (chicken breast, fish, tuna, turkey) and veggies throughout the day. That way, you can enjoy your fave foods during the party.

Something else that I like to do is to move away from the food. If you find yourself standing near the food table, casually walk away. It is so much easier to just go in and take something from the table if you're just standing there. However, if you are far away, you may think twice before getting another cookie.

Hydration is also very important during the holidays. Most of us will probably be consuming more salt than we are used to so that is going to dehydrate and bloat us. Consuming alcohol will also dehydrate you. Rule of thumb is to drink a glass of water for every drink you have. You also don’t want to be having too many drinks because those calories add up very quickly.

Another helpful tip is to pick your evil. If you are going to have some drinks then try not to have dessert, and vice versa. Now if you end up having both then that's ok. Don’t beat yourself up for it. The worst thing you can do is have food guilt and then end up punishing yourself with being at the gym for 3 hours the next day. You will just end up hating the gym all together and STOP going. We don’t want that now do we?! So it's ok if you are not perfect, no one is.

Wish you all an amazing Holiday Season & that you enjoyed these tips.
