
Am I the only one that feels 2019 flew by? I honestly can’t believe we are at the turn of the century. How crazy is that? Yesterday, my niece mentioned to me how we will be going back to the roaring 20’s….of our era.

I feel like this year is going to be a great one. Not only because it's an even number ( I have my theories lol) but because it is a new century so fresh start for everyone! I also feel like great things are coming in the 20’s. There will always be ups and downs but for the most part, I have a good feeling. I know 2019 was a little rough for some but keep your heads high and 2020 will be an amazing one.

If you know me, then you know I am a planner, a huge one actually. I love to write lists and have goals set out so New Year’s is no different for me. However, I really don’t set these outrageous goals that I know will never happen because that just leads to disappointment and frustration. Instead, I try to do small, realistic goals. Last year one of my resolutions was to floss more. I know it’s kind of a dumb one but I had been getting a lot of cavities and having issues with my teeth. So I decided to do something about it! Guess what? In 2019 I had no cavities because I began flossing. I started a couple days a week and now I do it every single day! Little things like that are what I am talking about.

Some resolutions that are often broken are:

  • Lose Weight

  • Get in Shape

  • Stop Smoking

  • Quit Drinking Alcohol

  • Eat Healthier

  • Get Out of Debt

  • Get Organized

The truth is they can be unrealistic. There is obviously a problem as to why you are in debt, smoking, overweight so you have to dig deeper. Why do you reach for food or alcohol when you are stressed? Figure out why and then start small and don’t go “cold turkey”. For instance, I admit that I have a huge shopping problem. I have tried to fix it millions of times and it just works for a week and then I am back to my old ways. So this year, I told myself I will do a “no shopping” for 30 days. I will focus on other things like my business, family, and self care. Instead of buying things from impulse, I will let it go for a couple hours and see if I really need it. If I do buy it, then I have to sell/giveaway an item of clothing.

Other things I have on my list are:

  • Invest

  • Less Cursing

  • Grow Instagram to 10k

  • Get off Anxiety Pills

  • Drink Less coffee

  • Eat out 1x a week

These aren’t easy but I will try. Baby steps along the way, and I will forgive myself when I have setbacks. The goal is to be consistent and at least try everyday!

What are some of your resolutions for the New Year? 

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