How to Enjoy the Holiday's Eating Guilt Free


Holidays can throw off your workout and eating habits. Now make it HOLIDAYS  in 2020 and that is a whole other story! While holidays are meant to be fun, they do add a lot of stress. Not only is there stress about the gift giving but having to stay away from all the yummy treats that are thrown in our face 24/7.

As you all know, I’m a huge advocate for my philosophy, “its a diet, not a lifestyle”, therefore I encourage you to eat your treats while still making room for your veggies. Forget about being so hard on yourself all the time; life is about balance. It may not always be perfect (especially during the holidays), but for the most part, I’ve come up with a few ways to stay healthy during the holidays and still allow some room for indulgences.

  1. Balance

You may not always be perfect with tracking your macros. You may find yourself wanting a piece of cake that doesn’t really fit. It's ok to enjoy the piece of cake (I’m not saying to always give into your cravings but if you are at a party…. go for it). One slice of a cake will not make a dent in your physique. Now you don’t want to go overboard and eat every single dessert at the party. Instead choose your favorite and enjoy it! 

  2. Prioritize Rest & Sleep

Sleep is so important for your overall health as well as your fitness. Sleep is when our bodies repair itself. We need sleep in order to keep everything functioning normal and lower stress levels (that will be extremely high during this time). Also, try to find time to meditate or go for a nice walk outside. Also getting a massage is a great way to recover and relax.

3. Meal Prep

Out of all the ones in the list, this will probably be your least favorite and I totally get it. However, it is super important if you want to stay on track. Meal prepping is a pain to do but so easy once it's done. All you do is grab and go. This is the best way to at least have some tracked meals and input in MyFitnessPal.

4. Hydrate

Drink your H2O girl. You will be drinking a lot more alcohol and more high sodium foods so you want to stay hydrated. Try drinking a cup of water with each drink you have. Also, sometimes your cravings might actually be thirsty.

5. Mindset

Many people think “let me eat everything now because I’ll start on Jan 1”. However, that is actually worse. Now you have extra pounds to lose and your cravings will be much more come January 1. What does that mean? Your dieting will be much harder come the new year and chances of giving into those cravings are much harder. It's easier to just start now and let yourself have some treats here and there and just tighten up after the holidays. You also don’t want to have that “oh it's the holidays so I must treat myself” mentatility either. Just look at it as any other day, allowing yourself some treats. Just like you would on any other day, going out with friends, it is no different. Instead focus on your family and cherish these memories. If 2020 has taught us anything is to not take anything for granted!

You can also follow along my WEEKLY WORKOUTS. They are posted every Monday at 3am.

Happy Holidays!!!

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