No Gym, No Problem


We’ve been how many days into quarantine? Who knows when we will be able to go back to the gym.

I know this may cause a lot of stress and anxiety for some. However, you don’t need to fear that all your progress has been or will be lost. You may lose a couple of pounds of lean body mass but the good thing is there is muscle memory, so when you do go back to the gym you can gain it all back.

So what can you do in the meantime?

  1. Don’t Stress: Cortisol Levels will increase causing fat storage to increase, especially in the midsection.

  2. The days of binge eating are done! It's time to try and eat meals with more nutritional value. Now, it’s not to say that you can’t have chips or desserts here and there.

  3. Adjust your lifestyle. More so than trying to “diet” especially now during a pandemic, you want to change your lifestyle. Prepare your meals, in advance. Have a game plan. Schedule your workouts

  4. Perform bodyweight exercises such as pushups and pull-ups.

  5. Invest in bands, dumbbells, and other equipment that you can use (even after this is over).Focus on technique and muscle-mind connection. Do more sets and reps to challenge your muscles.

  6. Perform HIIT. This can be done without equipment. Go outside and run/ walk from one light pole to the other down the street. (i.e: You will run to the 1st light pole, then walk to the 2nd, then run, etc.) You will be tired but this really burns a lot of fat.

  7. Now you have the time, so do more stretching and focus on recovery.

  8. We are in a Pandemic, so it’s ok to not be 100% all of the time

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