Grocery Shopping Tips: How to Avoid Bad Choices at the Store


Holidays aren’t the only things that can mess up your fat loss goals, so can the grocery store.  If you don’t have a proper game plan when you go onto one, it can easily turn into a disaster. I don’t want you to read this and be terrified of the grocery store. On the contrary, I want you to just be aware and conscious of your decisions. We usually buy groceries to last us for 1-2 weeks (depending on your family size and if your bodybuilder lol) so whatever we get determines how well (or bad) we stick to our nutrition plan.

I know your thinking, “But Monika you always say that this is a lifestyle, not a diet” and YES, you’re absolutely right. However, if you know that when you start eating Oreos, you can’t stop then you might now want them in your house. Fitting 1-2 Oreos a day into your macros is totally ok. However, eating an entire pack within an hour is not.

I’ve gathered up some tips that can help you when you go to the grocery store. Most people struggle with the nutrition part of a fat loss phase and that is totally ok. There is nothing to be afraid of. Just be mindful and you totally got this babe!

  • Stay out of the outer aisles. Groceries are set up with most of the junk food on the outer aisles. Why? It’s all a business and they want us to go for the cheap stuff. Well we are smarter than that now ladies, stay away from those aisles and you will be golden. The inner aisles have the more natural, whole foods that you want to be eating.

  • Make a List. Go prepared to the grocery store that way you are not derailed and end up getting something you don’t need.

  • Go after a having Meal. This is a huge one. If you go hungry, you will want to eat everything in sight. But if you go full then nothing will appeal to you and you will not be tempted.

  • Stick to Real Foods. Something I tell all my clients: stick to foods that come from the ground. Which means its “real” food. Nothing processed or with a ton of ingredients that you can’t even pronounce. 

  • When in doubt, read the label. This goes with the one from above. If you’re not sure if its real food then just read the label. If it has things you can’t even say then don’t bother with it.

Hope this was helpful ladies.

Do you want me to do a grocery shopping list? Let me know in the comments below.

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