Posts tagged easy way to lose weight
What Should I Eat?

I get asked on a daily basis, “What should I eat”? There are certain foods that are pretty obvious, like vegetables. Yes, everyone knows that vegeatbles are good for you and you should eat them. But what about other foods that are not that easy to determine? This is where evryone gets confused and caught up on all the marketing garbage the fitness industry tries to get consumers to believe.

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Why I Design a Balanced Diet for My Clients V.S. a Strict Diet

have been there done that! I was in her shoes a couple years back. I have done Weight Watchers, Atkins, Bodybuilder strict diet, the cookie diet, the watermelon diet, etc. Want to know what I learned from this? Nothing, which is why you end up gaining all the weight back and then some. By doing these diets you are not learning how to eat.

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