Posts tagged post workout
Eating Before & After a Workout....Is it ok?

Eating your pre- workout meal (before) and post-workout (after) is more than ok. It is necessary! Only under certain circumstances would it be ok to ditch the pre-workout but that's mainly a medical reason. This is actually a rookie mistake that many of us tend to do. We have the mentality that less is more when it comes to losing weight.. So the less we eat, the skinnier we will get. Sorry to break it to you chica, but that is not the case!

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Pretty Post Workout Meals

Most people stick to the same old, boring meal; the protein shake. Don't get me wrong, I usually have these when I'm in a hurry or don't want to put much thought into what I'm doing. However, there are those days that you just want something different. You want to be adventurous and experiment. Maybe even have something that is a bit appealing to the eye.

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